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Exec Meeting @ 2009-05-14 19:15:58

Present: Mat, Owen, James, Vicky, Ben, Matt B, Gaby
Apologies: Rob
Start time: 7.15pm

1. Welcome and Apologies
• Mat welcomed everyone to the meeting.
• Apologies were received from Rob.

2. Progress on Last Meeting
• Mat enquired whether we’d heard anything back from NFT, but Rob wasn’t at the meeting, so we couldn’t find out
• Warwick Shootout have agreed to give us the short films they produce this year (for us to use at the AllNighters) in return for advertisement slides
• Owen – Facebook WSC Fan page – it’s still a work in progress – Mat needs to write a little blurb to go into the information bit – can have it up by Tuesday
• Warwick volunteers – regarding setting up a special relationship with us – they have been contacted, but haven’t replied yet

3. Autumn Term Schedule
• PM was yesterday (Wednesday, 13/05/09) – schedule has been pretty much decided
• A joint event with WIDS has been put on the schedule
• Further joint events with People and Planet and Warwick Pride to be organised (films are already on the schedule), when they get back to us
• At the publicity meeting, Weronika mentioned that the Polish and Russian speaking societies would want to come and see Katyn – Would that be just a social or joint event? – Most probably it will be just a social

4. Outdoor Screening
• Rootes field is in a bad condition, due to some holes that have been dug by the University – these are a health and safety issue
• Two possible solutions
• Solution 1: cover up one of the holes with the screen and the others will need to be filled in or fenced off
• Solution 2 – move the Outdoor Screening – this should be avoided, as all publicity says Rootes field as the location
• St John Ambulance have agreed to provide 1st aid
• Isurance – Mat has e-mailed Gerard at the SU, but he hasn’t replied yet. Matt B mentioned that we need to know what’s happening about the insurance, so that we can get the equipment. Mat will go and speak to Gerard in person.
• Rough idea on costs: speakers – £240 (speakers and amp); Cabling – £229.70; screen – £300; projector – £1100+VAT; to get van, as well (fuel – £350-£400)
• Vote: Happy with costs? – Yes: unanimous
• Publicity run - James has agreed to organise the publicity run for sometime in week 9
• Clothing will take about 2-3 weeks to arrive, after being ordered this weekend
• Film and TV studies – we would need to use their making-up room – Gaby to speak to them to ask whether they can let us in and to give them enough warning

5. Date of Next Meeting
• When do everyone’s exams finish?
• Mat and Owen – week 9; Vicky – weeks 8-9; Ben – week 9; Matt B – week 9, James – week 6; Gaby – week 8
• Next meeting – Wednesday, week 6, 27th May

6. AOB
• End-of-term social to be on Sunday, so that everyone can come along
• Owen would like there to be a sign-up sheet on the website for titles and editing etc., as already exists for graphics – Ben to look into that
• Maybe create a new tab for publicity, where all of the above sign-up sheets can be located, plus a separate page for reviews
• Matt B to send link to everyone for the keyrings he mentioned in the previous meeting

End time: 8pm

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