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Publicity Meeting @ 2009-05-14 17:35:00

Publicity Meeting, 14th May 2009. 17:35.

Present: Jeffrey Choi (late), Nabila Cruz De Carvalho (late), Vicky Forman, Mat Gardner, Marcus Kelly, Weronika Lipinska, James McLachlan, Owen Rye.

1. Welcome and apologies
• Owen welcomed everyone to the meeting.
• Apologies were received from George Marshall and Pierre Schramm.

2. Plan for Autumn term publicity
• The timeframe for each aspect of next term's publicity was discussed. Mat pointed out that the Union will need copies of our publicity to put in next year's ‘freshers bags’ approximately two weeks before the start of term. Owen offered that Emmersons Press would take roughly two to three weeks to print the publicity from the date of submission. Thus a deadline for final designs within the last week of August was deemed a sensible target.
• It was decided that all areas (reviews, graphics, titles, editing) are opened for volunteers to sign-up to before the end of term, by approximately week 9. Writing of reviews, graphics collection and titles collection would then take place over the next few weeks with an approximate deadline of 24th July, yet to be determined. Editing would then take place over the last week of July and first few days of August so that proofs can be prepared in good time for the submission deadline.
• Owen discussed the benefits of the online sign-up form already in place for graphics collection and the potential for similar forms for reviews, titles and editing. Jeffrey and Nabila agreed that it would be a good idea for titles and editing, respectively. Marcus and Owen agreed that the current correspondence with reviewers by e-mail was sufficient and an online form would be of no benefit for reviews.

3. Outdoor screening
• Owen reminded everyone that they still have a chance to order the custom-designed polo shirt for the event by Friday 15th May.
• Weronika suggested the idea of a large banner or poster to publicise the event. Owen agreed that would be a good idea, and that in previous years an A0 size poster had been produced. However, Mat cautioned that there would not necessarily be an appropriate place to display such a poster since the Union building is still under renovation, and the idea was subsequently dismissed.
• Vicky suggested that we hand out fliers on the Monday of week 10 on SPLATfest's site on Maths Field. This was agreed as a good idea. Given this, Owen suggested that it would be unnecessary to have a publicity run prior to the event. James disagreed, arguing that a publicity run would still be worthwhile and had been done in previous years. It was decided that a publicity run would be organised prior to the event. It was also decided that Owen will produce any relevant publicity for such distribution.
• Owen and Mat agreed they are going to wear their Outdoor Screening 2009 polo shirts in all of their exams throughout week 9 to publicise the event, especially to the person sitting behind them. Owen expressed regret for only buying one shirt as, with five exams running on consecutive days, his is likely to smell.

4. AOB
• Weronika suggested promoting 'Katyn', showing in the Autumn term, to the Polish Society and Russian Speaking Society. Mat agreed to contact both societies regarding this.

Meeting adjourned 17:55.

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