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Exec Meeting @ 2009-04-27 19:00:00

Exec meeting – 27th April 2009

Present: Mat, Rob, Matt B, Vicky, James, Ben, Owen, Gaby
Start time: 7.05pm

1. Welcome and Apologies
• Mat welcomed everyone and there are no apologies.

2. Progress on Last Meeting
• Stand in the library – Mat e-mailed the library, but there has been no reply
• DHL issues – (from last meting – we said that we were going to look into other delivery services and ring up DHL to see whether there is anything they can do to improve)
• NFT (the delivery service that the Arts Centre use) – Rob has contacted them and is waiting for a quote
• Matt B was going to look into getting 70mm training reels (discussed at last meeting) – no progress on that yet – Vicky has asked the projectionists whether they would like to be trained to show 70mm and some new projectionists have expressed interest
• Pole to hold door of L3 open – James hasn’t looked into it yet – maybe progress will be made over the summer
• iGoogle application – it was said that the current WSC iGoogle application is not very exciting and so we should try making it look cooler. Owen asked Ben, whether he could do anything, but Ben replied that he doesn’t know how the applications for iGoogle work. Owen also said that not many people know about the application or how to add it – suggested we have a link on our website to enable people to get to the application and to make them aware of it.

3. Ratifications
• Amy qualified as a Projectionist – Ratify – Yes: unanimous
• Janis qualified as a Projectionist – Ratify – Yes: unanimous
• Owen qualified as a DM – Ratify – Yes: unanimous

4. Events with Other Societies
• Should we co-operate with other societies?
• Mat thinks we should work with other societies, as it’s rare that they get in touch with us in time for us to be able to put on a film together.
• We should co-operate, as long as they’re not doing anything controversial, which will go against the rules in the Constitution.
• If we were to put on a film together with another society, Mat said it would be preferable that we pay for the film and that it is ours – the society which we are co-operating with only has to promote the film.
• In any statements, e.g. on the website, we should say that we will ‘consider’ any requests, so as to not to get too many societies asking anything unreasonable.
• Private screenings – it was suggested that these be considered case-by-case. Matt B proposed we have available options with pricing for society events on the website, i.e. if they want a private screening they can have a look at the website about how much it’s going to cost.
• Vote: When we run a joint event with another society – we pay for the film, it is our event and the other society only publicise it. Private screenings to be considered case by case. All of the above mentioned events (i.e. joint showings with other societies and private screenings) will be subject to a reasonable maximum. – Yes: 7, Abstain: 1

5. Treasurer Elections
• The issue whether it is worth having an election for treasurer this term was discussed. It was mentioned that there is no time for a handover and that the election would be difficult, due to exams (i.e. no one might apply, as they are too busy with exams)
• Therefore, it is better to wait until next year and run the election in the Autumn term. The exact date will be determined at the last exec meeting of term. – Vote – Yes: 7, Abstain: 1

6. The Family Picture
• WSC crew working the film get free entry, all other crew have to pay the normal price.
• The cast and crew of film get in for free.
• Mat wants The Prince’s Trust to invoice us, so all the financials go through the union, to avoid getting into any dodgy situations about money. The director of the film and Shalni to check with The Prince’s Trust about that.
• IT to create the following tickets: Members, Non-members, Member’s Guest, Non-members Guest, Free ticket for Cast and Crew of the film

7. Outdoor Screening
• Matt B to get as much equipment as he can from a single supplier, in order to save time on waiting for quotes.
• Inflatable screens are very expensive – much more expensive than we thought at first. We might be better off in renting the screen, as that will be cheaper.
• Vote to rent a screen, instead of buying it – Yes: unanimous
• We can get the screen and other equipment from Peter Hall.
• We should get insurance, in case something goes wrong. Or are we covered by SPLAT’s/University’s insurance? - Mat to talk to Lucy.
• We’re not getting any Tech crew involved
• Do we need permission from the Council? – Rob to ask Kathryn
• Do we need to fill in any forms? – Mat to talk to Lucy
• Mat has spoken to St. John Ambulance and is waiting for a quote and confirmation
• Mat and St. John Ambulance to have the two walkie-talkies. Everyone else to communicate via mobiles. (just an idea here – we should produce a sheet with everyone’s contact details – just in case some people don’t have everyone’s phone numbers)
• Owen asked about the budget for the T-shirts – there is no set figure.
• For the t-shirts, it is easier to go through our normal supplier, as they already have our logo and have done shirts for us, so they know what we want. Only use existing supplier only if they can provide what we require, though (in terms of colours and designs).
• It was decided that we should get polo shirts with the person’s name (no positions), the WSC logo and the year.
• Crew to pay £5 for the shirt – the rest is paid by the society. Vote – Yes: unanimous
• Owen wants to run a publicity run on Sunday week 9, but will need to someone else to organise it, as he’s going to be busy with exams.
• Someone will go to Tesco to get food for crew and St John’s Ambulance volunteers. Vote – Yes: unanimous
• Can we get enough barriers from the union to fence off the screen? – Mat to talk to Lucy

8. Autumn Term Schedule
• There are still a few issues with the films themselves
• EPM to be in week 4 this term.
• Gaby to talk to WIDS. Our conditions are as follows: we will pay for the film and retain profit any profit made; WIDS will need to publicise it; we can reserve seats for them. We will encourage them to send a representative to the EPM.
• Mat gave his opinion that the 1st week of the Autumn term’s schedule is too packed – James and Rob disagreed.
• LVK(Sunday) and Bronson(Tuesday) to be free showings
• Ticket prices for next year to be kept the same – Vote – Yes: unanimous

9. Risk Assessments
• Mat gave a copy of risk assessment form to Vicky and James

10. AOB
• On suggestion page – make it clearer that it’s open for suggestions, e.g. have a banner at the top to make people more aware.
• Apply for BFFS awards again, but maybe not for best society. Mat to send a link to the relevant webpage for everyone to see what other award we could apply for.
• Mat suggested we run a competition for a short film to show at the All-Nighters. It was said that that might encroach on Warwick TV.
• For a short we could get into touch with Warwick Shoot-out, but apparently they are hard to reach. If Mat can’t reach them, we could enter a ‘filmsoc’ team and get in touch with them that way.
• Matt B has mentioned a contact for crew gear – to get full contact details.
• Some chemists spoke to Matt B about delivery drivers coming to them and asking them where to drop films off, but the Chemists don’t know what to tell them. Mat to get in touch with Chemistry store people and tell them exactly what they should do, if something like that happens again.
• According to Matt B – Warwick Volunteers want to set up a special relationship with us. They have suggested they take out a slide at a special price and say that they are sponsored by us. Mat is happy to negotiate with them. They have also expressed desire to run joint events.
• James mentioned that the version of Windows on the exec computer will expire soon, as it is only a trial version (according to the warning message that pops up). IT to get onto that.
• Rob said that the domain wsc.org.uk has expired. Ben to enquire whether it’s available and whether we can get it.
• Ben enquired what the budget for IT is. The response was that as long as an expense is justified and seems reasonable, IT can get the money for it.
• Gaby brought up the possibility of having more socials on a Saturday, to allow for a greater range of activities to be undertaken. It was decided that, from next term, socials can be spread out between Mondays and Saturdays.
• Owen mentioned that he could create a ‘fan page’ for WSC on Facebook. People can then become ‘fans’ of WSC and will receive updates about events and film showings. This will avoid the trouble we would have by using the Facebook WSC group for publicity (as mentioned in the previous meeting), as people will have more choice in whether they wish to receive updates or not.

Meeting adjourned: 21:15

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