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Exec Meeting @ 2009-03-05 19:15:00

Exec meeting 05-03-09 7.15pm

1. Welcome and Apologies
- Mat welcomed everyone to the exec meeting
- Present: Mat, Gaby, James, Owen, Matt B, Vicky, Tim, Ben, Rob (late)
- Absent: none

2.Handover Progress
- IT officer – not much of the handover has been done
- Ben feels positive about how the handover is going
- The point in time, when Ben takes over completely as IT officer was discussed – better to wait, see how the handover goes
- James raised a point of what happens to exec voting rights – Solution: everyone present gets a vote

3. Treasurer Duties
- Pierre has explained how to do everything to Mat
- The plan is for Mat and Gaby to split the treasurer role, with Rob doing the clothing order, until a new Treasurer is found
- Election again at the start of the next term
- People who have run for the position previously can apply again
- Can candidates appeal the results of the vote – our general policy is that we do not release the results
- Lucy is happy with the arrangement at present, as long as someone is doing the duty – maybe speak to someone else in the SU just to confirm that it is OK for the current arrangement to continue

4. Publicity Co-ordinating Positions
- Ratify Sam Maule as Titles co-ordinator: unanimous
- Ratify Nabila Cruz De Carvalho as Chief editor: unanimous

5. Lifetime Crew Status
- The following people were proposed to receive Lifetime Crew Status (LCS) for being on the Exec
- Kathryn: unanimous
(Vicky leaves room)
- Vicky: unanimous
(Vicky returns)
(Mat leaves room)
- Mat: unanimous
(Mat returns)
- Aiden: unanimous
- Also, proposed LCS for Rachel Pilson-Wood : unanimous
- Note: all the other members of the old Exec, who are not mentioned above, already have LCS
- Lifetime Crew Status recommendations can be made to the Exec throughout the year

6. Summer Term Schedule
- Everything should be OK with the schedule – at the moment everything is fine
- We have Monsters, Inc provisionally booked for Tuesday W10 (23rd June)
- Matt B asked whether ‘Bolt’ should be a double, but Rob and Mat said that it’s fine in its slot as it is
- Jeffrey is missing 2 weeks’ worth of graphics, but has assured that they will be there
- Sam should be able to sort out the titles for Saturday
- Nabila to send out an e-mail tomorrow, asking for editors, but the editing itself will not be starting until Sunday – Deadline is Friday 13th
- Deadline for booklet, as set by the printers is 3rd April
- Owen hopes that the booklet will be available for proof on the website for the fisrt Sunday after the end of the term (22nd March)
- The colour of the booklet will be red
- ‘Thumbs up’ will be in the booklet – Owen has recorded everyone’s choices
- Timecrimes – there might have been an issue with the release date, but according to Rob there is no issue after all
- It was mentioned that we could send out e-mails to various societies for shows which might be of interest to them
- Gaby to send e-mails to the societies (Milk to Pride, foreign language films to corresponding societies) – at the beginning of term and about a week before the film

7.Outdoor Screening
- Mat has sent an e-mail to everyone for approval of the application form for SPLAT
- All the technical issues are still works in progress
- Matt B has tried to get quotes for inflatable screens, but no success yet
- Rootes field is provisionally booked for Tuesday and Wednesday W10
- SPLAT haven’t got back to us yet with the exact date
- Our preference would be Wednesday, but Tuesday is fine, too
- T-shirts – Owen will sort out next term – can be put through as a clothing order (if we’re ordering polo shirts, instead of just T-shirts) – sky blue with purple writing? -TBC at next meeting
- Mat to get Owen in touch with SPLAT, so that we can get their logo to put on publicity and t-shirts
- Apart from the screen, we’re renting everything else
- If it rains, we’ll just have to show the film in L3
- Will have to start getting people to start getting all the things we need together

8.Use of Facebook Group for Publicity
- Owen wants to use the Facebook ‘Warwick Student Cinema’ group as means of advertising, e.g. to send out weekly messages
- A lot of the members of the group are graduates – weekly messages can get annoying to them
- Instead of weekly messages we can simply create events
- Members of the Exec feel that messages will get annoying, so we could just use it to create events
- We could create a group with the purpose of just keeping people up to date. However, it was decided that 2 groups will be confusing.
- People could be encouraged to join the group through the weekly e-mail
- It was suggested that could make an application for iGoogle – approved

9.Summer Term Socials
- Gaby hasn’t decided what socials are to happen next term, but will set a provisional schedule and research trips over the Easter holiday
- Matt B has suggested ‘The Slaughter House’ as a possible destination for a brewery tour
- It was suggested that we it might be necessary to have two Saturday trips, if we are to go to Bradford and have an end-of-term big social

10. AOB
(i) Can we get ink for one of the printers in the exec office? – Owen to do
(ii) The budget – Gaby and Mat to do – needs to be done by Friday W10. Provision for the technical ‘department’ in the budget will be quite large. Publicity budget stays the same.
(iii) The issue of getting Microsoft Office for the computers in the Exec office was raised – Mat to speak to Andy
(iv) Request from Latin and Ballroom Society to hire us out – Gaby to respond to get further information (e.g. How many people?; How much are they willing to pay?; What they expect?; mention a rough cost of about £150-200; We can’t show in another room, as we can’t move the projectors.). If they’re willing to pay for the whole film, then we can do private screening. They will have to abide by our rules for the private screening.
(v) Could put Aliens on the Autumn term schedule. The issue of whether we should continue showing 70mm films was raised – it’s expensive, quality isn’t that good, but it’s good for training (can use other things to train people in 70mm, but it could be expensive), not many of the new projectionists are that keen to train in 70mm. Matt B to see how much 70mm training wheels will costs and Vicky to find out how many people are interested in learning. We should get 70mm with dts.
(vi) STAR haven’t gotten back to Mat about their offer at the AllNighter (we show a film for them for free and they provide prizes and a celebrity). This wouldn’t interfere with the constitution. Mat should try and get in touch with his contact from STAR
(vii) Extra shelving in the Exec office was proposed, but it was decided not to follow through with it for the time being. It was suggested that, instead of keeping hard copies of invoices, we could scan them in and keep them as electronic copies, thus reducing the need for space. However, this would take a very long time to do. Some of the folders in the Exec office contain information (i.e. older than 3 years), which has been deemed surplus, so this might be gotten rid of, after it has been sorted through carefully.
(viii) For proj box – instead of new shelving we could have new cupboards with smaller drawers and maybe glass fronts, so that you can see what’s inside
(ix) Constitution – the one on the website is out of date – need to change the information about keys:
>The IT officer should get a proj box key, in order to be able to access the servers: unanimous.
>Vote: change point 11.3 of the constitution – the role of administration of keys to go to the president, with the secretary holding another key to the box with keys – unanimous
>Vote: Table in Appendix C – remove ‘Dump key’ and ‘L3 key’ sections – unanimous
(x) Stand in the library – Mat to look into it again, Learning Grid as well
(xi) Film posters in the union – Andy used to deal with it, Owen looking into it
(xii) Our display boxes in the new union will have to match the union’s colour scheme – don’t know what that is yet – when we do know, we’ll just get new display boxes. We could get a flat screen to put into the display boxes and run a PowerPoint presentation on them (probably couldn’t show trailers, though). We’ll just have to wait to see what the union decides – Matt B to start researching prices on display boxes already
(xiii) DHL are being troublesome – we should contact them about their service (Rob to do) – investigate other delivery services, just in case that DHL decide that they don’t need our business
(xiv) Scheduling for autumn term – IT officer to sort out suggestions page – PM in W4 of the Summer term (week starting Monday 11th May), so discussion should start at the beginning of the Summer term

Finish: 22.35

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