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Exec Meeting @ 2006-10-12 18:00:00

1) Present:- Michelle Foy (Secretary), James McLachlan (Chief DM),
James Emmott (President), Matt Pusey (IT Officer), Rachel Crofts
(Chief Proj.), Martin Mee (Tech. Officer), Rob Gardner (Treasurer),
Victoria Galloway (Publicity Officer), Ian Hughes (Projectionist)

Apologies:- James Cotton (Films Officer)

James E welcomes everyone to the first exec meeting of the year and
pointed out that comment had been raised over the late notice of the
meeting. It was emphasised this was a necessity due to the logistics
of meeting up but that measures would be taken to ensure this was not
a recurring incident.

2) Updates

- Over the summer there was an incident where the technical team were
found to be doing work in the proj box that Estates did not approve of
involving the projector plinths. The proj box was temporarily out of
bounds whilst estates completed the work and after much time and
incidents involving no power the projectors have been rebuilt and the
proj box is in a workable state although there are still some jobs to
be completed over the next few weeks.

- Andy James the Union Health and Safety Officer has now left but we
have been reminded that our risk assessment still need working on and
Rachel is in possession of some advice on how to do this.

- Data proj is in working order but needs some work doing to make the
situation permanent as they are currently using a Front of House
laptop which is not ideal and also we need a permanent stand. Andy is
currently helping at the start of each film as it needs someone other
than the projectionist.

- WGA report on the data projector was submitted along with proof of
purchase and they are now just awaiting a photograph of it.

- The IT team need to still sort a way of making sure that members
joining after the end of October do not get granted a free film, and
Matt says they are discussing this at present.

- It was brought up that there are several glitches in the website
particularly involving the members editor and we are all asked to mail
the IT team with any new glitches we spot and they will fix them all
as soon as possible.

- The forum still needs integrating into the website and it was
promised that this would happen over the summer so this needs to be a

3) Forthcoming events

Monday Week 2 (9th Oct) - 7pm meeting about getting involved, opening
talk by Michelle as James has to send his apologies. Plans for after
the meeting will be spur of the moment depending on attendance etc.

Monday Week 4 (23rd Oct) - Campus barcrawl

Tuesday Week 6 (7th Nov) - Deloitte Event
Friday Week 6 (10th Nov) - AllNighter

For this reason it was decided that the Monday social would be left
open for the members to suggest if and what they'd like to do in this
busy week.

Monday Week 8 (20th Nov) - Bowling

Week 10 - Xmas meal probably Thursday but may be the Saturday at the
end of week 9, it is currently undecided. Venue suggestions welcome.
Proj are thus far unsure if they shall be running any open sessions.

4) Deloitte Event

We have a new Deloitte contact - Alex Hancock.

Michelle has met with him and discussed the forthcoming event. The
film that Deloitte have chosen is Startup.com and there shall be a non
graduate recruit talk by a guest speaker as well as a buffet on
Tuesday 7th November.

This event was very much going to be a Deloitte led one with us having
more input in term 2, but we have requested more interesting

There have been problems with the Deloitte contract but they are
willing to pay us our sponsorship money, so Rob was asked to raise an
invoice asap.

5) AllNighter

As James C cannot be at this meeting we need to chase him to find out
what is happening here asap as publicity needs to be done.

There was much need to confirm a good headline film especially.

Deloitte will be providing the main raffle prize which is expected to
be an experience day.

Also we are hopefully getting some free film related material from a
promotions company, Michelle is currently chasing.

6) Publicity

Emmersons did a rather poor job this term with late delivery, wrong
colours and wrong page orders. Victoria is meeting with them to
discuss this this week.

We do only have 4 boxes of booklets left which is good.

A special thank you to Tom Hunns who is the only non exec member to have helped significantly.

It was pointed out that there were some errors in the booklet from our
end and they needed to be neatened up for next term.

Publicity needs to be slackerfindered and Michelle has offered to do
this to help out Victoria who has put in an awful lot of work this
vacation on the publicity.

7) Keys

We still do not have enough but it was suggested to save time that
instead of going through who gets what that James E consults the
constitution and orders appropriately for anyone who was currently
without any and any predicted future needs.

Cool Societies Convention

James E went to this and fed back a few points:-

Closing date for WGA opportunity fund is 19th Jan if we wish to apply
again. Project ideas welcome.

Steph gave out a URL to the new finance pages which was passed to rob,
he thinks he already has the right one but will check. The new system
is very different so as Michelle has finance experience she is going
to take a look and try and help Rob out.

9) Other Societies

Do we wish to do anything with one world week,we will all think about

Other societies asked to work with us this term but due to many
scheduling problems some of the films cannot happen. Michelle is to
approach all the societies again with the current state of affairs
asap and feedback on her results.

A film for World Aids day was requested but has not been scheduled and
also the Troys say Volver (Thurs wk 5) is no longer available due to
its unexpected success so we are looking at one or two changes to the
schedule, details when confirmed.

WTV have not progressed with the pre-screening bit for the data proj
and it seems to be that it may be best to go meet with them as we are
unclear about several things and so are they. Michelle suggested
asking if this reel would also be shown in the Union.

10) Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities

It has come to light that too many people on the exec are trying to
respond to e-mails. Michelle pointed out that when replying people
needed to cc the exec listing so everyone knew. This however does not
stop two people replying at the same time. Michelle has been keeping
track of all e-mails but this makes it impossible, so everyone agreed
to the fact that they would not respond until asked to do so and then
would cc them.

The Secretary/President descriptions need reviewing due to the new
role been a work in progress. Michelle and James are going to discuss
this after the meeting and will allow the exec to vote at the next
meeting as per the Constitution.

Michelle noted that she had still not been able to respond to people
regarding advertising as no prices had been set. A charge of £5 a week
was decided on as been fair but will be reviewed. Michelle will write
an e-mail for all socs and sports clubs, but we will reserve the right
not to show anything of poor quality or inappropriate content.

Date of next meeting Saturday 14th October in time to go to Late Night
Spice before the Midnight film, all welcome and time and agenda will
be distributed in good time.

Meeting ended 8.45pm (2hrs 39mins)

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