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Exec Meeting @ 2009-02-12 19:15:00

Exec meeting, 12/02/09, 7.15pm,

(1) Welcome and apologies
Present: Rob, Kathryn, Vicky, Matt, Tim, Mat, Aiden, George, Gaby, Owen, Matt B
Absent: None

(2) Handover progress
President: Done
Secretary: To be done – scheduled for Friday (13th February)
Treasurer: No candidates
Films officer: Done
Chief projectionist: Same person continuing with the role
Chief DM: No new Chief DM
Publicity officer: Done (partly. The rest to be done over the coming week.)
Technical officer: Done
IT officer: Same person continuing with the role

(3) The AllNighter update
-Films booked
-Prizes for the raffle and quiz have been bought
-Schedule for the evening
1. Open doors – 7.45pm (Publicity to say 7.30pm)
2. Ads and trailers – 8.00pm
3. Speech – 8.20pm
4. Film 1 – 8.30pm
5. Break 1 (Quiz) – 10.06pm
6. Film 2 – 10.25pm
7. Break 2 (Handover and Qualifications) – 12.23am
8. Film 3
9. Break 3 (Quiz results and Raffle)
10. Film 4
11. Films 5 and 6
12. End – between 9am and 10am
-Stall: should be set-up for two days – Yes: 8
-Couldn’t get internet last time – Matt and Tim agreed to get there in the morning to sort out the connection
-Food: should get Ginger Beer – 2 packs agreed
-Owen, Matt B and Gaby to go to Tesco to buy food and drink – meet at 4.15pm on Friday by stall
-L3 to be set up by 6.30pm – can go for a drink afterwards
-T-shirts: Mat hasn’t heard back from the T-shirt printers – no hope that the T-shirts will arrive in time
-T-shirts could be used as a form of publicity for the next AllNighter, if there is better organisation
-Others: we won’t give out 5-film passes as prizes for the raffle – give out posters instead
-Give out three 5-film passes for the quiz
-Have we got permission for food inside L3? – Matt to enquire
-Maybe we should change the code on the dump for 1 week, to avoid people finding out what the mystery film is

(4) Ratifications
-Sean qualified as a projectionist at ‘Taken’ (early show)
-Ratify – Yes: unanimous

(5) Schedule and PM Format Conclusions
-We clash with the Arts Centre for three films
1. Baader-Meinhof Complex (Currently: Thursday W2): fix by swapping with TimeCrimes (Currently: Thursday W4)
2. The Class (Currently: Thursday W5): will moving back push it into the Dead Zone? – we can get the film early enough to show in earlier weeks
3. Slumdog Millionaire (Currently: Friday W4) – swap with Defiance (Currently: Friday W6) – meet to liaise with Arts Centre
-PM format: seven people turned up to the PM and schedule was set

(Mat takes over from Rob as Chair of the meeting)

(6) Society Awards
-Application deadline next Friday (20th February)
-Apply for Best Student Society (mention that we’re the Best Student Film Society)
-Make a point that we fund ourselves
-Apply for Best Non-social event for the outdoor screening in the summer term of 2008-09

(7) Empty Exec Positions
-Chief DM: co-opt James M – Yes: unanimous – with effect immediately – handover at the AllNighter
-Treasurer: for the time being, the role will be split between Rob and Mat
-An election is to be run in Week 9 (on the Monday at 7.30pm) – there should be a reasonable deadline for applications; Exec members cannot nominate candidates; Anyone wishing to apply will need to nominator

(Kathryn disappears)

-IT officer: co-opt Tim to continue being IT officer for the time being
(Tim leaves the room)
-Yes: 8, Abstain: 1
(Tim returns)

(Kathryn returns)

(8) Publicity Co-ordinating Positions
-Jeffrey put himself forward as Graphics co-ordinator
-Jeffrey for Graphics co-ordinator – Yes: unanimous
-Titles co-ordinator – co-opt Rob?
(Rob leaves the room)
-Yes: unanimous
(Rob returns)
-Chief editor – co-opt Mat?
(Mat leaves the room)
-Yes: unanimous
(Mat returns)
-Titles co-ordinator and Chief editor positions should still be promoted

(9) Outdoor screening
-Is it feasible?
-What film? – Monsters Inc.
-Back-up films (in order of preference) – Wallace and Gromit, Shark tale
-We’ll do it under WSAF banner, but do the work ourselves
-We can pick the time we want it – maybe Tuesday or Wednesday of week 10
-It’s a sensible investment to buy a screen instead of renting one – Matt B to get a quote on screens and bring back to next exec meeting
-Mat to sort out field and date
-We could have T-shirts?

(10) AOB
-SOAF – they were meant to send us their schedule, but haven’t – Gaby to get in touch with them
-Should we e-mail Lucy to ask her to e-mail all societies that they should let us know if they wish to hold private screenings
-Should we have booklets for the Summer term? – Yes: unanimous
-We could get companies to advertise in our booklet – get something in return
-Owen and George to prepare booklet and see whether there is any space for advertising (George calculated the pages and says that there won’t be any space for advertising)
-Gaby to get in touch with ‘The Boar’ to let them know that we could do a swap on advertising space (i.e. they give us space in the newspaper for space in our booklet) – For: unanimous
-The above offer is for advertisement space in the Autumn term
-Could we have a stand in the library, which would hold our booklets? – Mat to investigate
-Number of booklets for the Summer term? – approx. 1,500
-James Cotton has returned his key(s) – Pierre gave them to the union
-Mat to get keys back from the union and keep them
-Key for the key box – Mat and Gaby to get one
-Giovanni – Someone to remind the woman in charge of refurbishing L3 about putting foam under the stage to soundproof it – Matt B??
-We should get the exec office tidied – weekend after the AllNighter
-Everyone to e-mail Rob if they want to place an order for filmsoc clothing

End: 11pm

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