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Exec Meeting @ 2009-01-19 19:15:00

Exec Meeting, 19 Jan 2009, 7.15pm, S1.06

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: George Matt Mat Pierre Vicky Tim Aiden Kathryn Rob (eventually)
In attendance – James McLachlan

2. Sponsored Event
Book L4/5 for the night
Film-quiz-food as order of events; film end 9.40pm ish; quiz: 20mins and 20 questions, put answers online, Mat G to do; food arrive 9.45pm for 10pm start.
Dominos: Yes – 8, abstain – 1; 4 people per pizza; Rob to forewarn Domino's.
Drinks – cans – buy 150 in advance – end W4 – Aiden and George
No WSC crew –(T)Proj/(T)DM/exec-in quiz, stewards ok to do it.
Prizes – DVD boxsets – Pierre to get; iPod shuffle? For 8, abstain: 1
Rob to contact KPMG

3. Programming Meeting
Schedule will be ready soon; provisional schedule online pre-meeting; midnight showing early in term.

4. Publicity
Marcus Kelly is the new Reviews Editor.

[Roundabout here, James Mac's nose starts to protest at length of meeting and decides to start bleeding; James exits for a bit then returns just after Aiden goes to check he's not been leeched to death]

5. AGM
Mon W5 7.30pm.
President and treasurer- speech max 5mins each
Nominations open Wed W3-Wed W4; their ONE nominator to be contacted by Fri W4; nominees listed once all confirmed by nominators until Mon; nominators can be current exec if not re-running.
Kathryn is returning officer
Xananas afterwards.
5 mins speech and 3 mins question time/ candidate

6. Constitution Amendments
Submitted; results expected within the fortnight.

Raffle: 1st is Wii (for: 8, abstain: 1); Hitchcock or Tarantino box set - Rob; 2x5film passes
Quiz: 1st is Aquasphereing; Hitchcock or Tarantino box set - Rob; 2x5film passes

Emphasise to audience prizes are tricksy to share, so can enter as individuals.

No news from Beatwax re free goodies or form anyone about film shorts.
Mat to contact someone at Warwick TV re shorts.

Kathryn to buy qualification prizes x suitable number

8. Risk Assessment
Aiden, Matt and Vicky to do.

[Mat G leaves]

9. Ratification of Matthew Gardner as DM: for: 7, abstain: 1.
[Mat G returns]
10. Purchases
Lenses: Tech have agreed on Schneider lenses – separate anamorphics, with the realisation its nearer £4500 than previously confirmed £3000 budget, still ok to go ahead to buy a total of 6 lenses? Yes: 7, abstain: 2.

(i) Rachael P-W is ok to cook non-crumbly items for her charity bake sale.
(ii) Joint exec meeting provisionally thurs W6.
(iii) Raise outdoor screening at joint meeting
(iv) weekly publicity distribution – Vicky can possibly do this week, with Rob.
(v) Family Picture screening and speech – if they want to, that's ok; Kathryn to email proposed dates to Mat
(vi) Purchases – USB serial devices for under £50, and cabling for the uninterrupted power supply. For: 9
(vii) Tim "will replace Barco"
(viii) Warwick Advantage www.warwicksu.com/advantage for those who want to apply.
(ix) Societies Awards - are coming
(x) Music server is now running, CD drive is questionable though but exec PC will work if you want to copy music to drive – use exec PC's M: drive (m for music, ya see)

End: 10.55pm

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