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DM Meeting @ 2009-01-27 18:11:00

6:11pm, Kami Lounge.

(1) Welcome and apologies.

Present: Matt, James, George, Natalie, Martin (late), Mat, Rachel (late).
Apologies: Andrew, Mike, Pierre, Rob.

(2) Rotas.

Natalie may do "Austin Powers".

(3) The significantly reduced number of stewards on the rotas?

James estimated there were about 7-8 stewards. It was decided that the next Chief DM and the next publicity officer should deal with this situation urgently.

(4) The sponsored event?

The next Chief DM (or Matt) will DM it. There was a discussion about how to prevent people taking more than their fair share of pizza. The stall signup page [ http://filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/stall ] will be used to distribute duties.

(5) AOB.

* The issue of card tickets was raised. Conversation turned to the possibility of eliminating the need for tickets entirely via an automatic barrier that checks University cards. Some suggested that our systems are not reliable enough for such a scheme. Others pointed out that people may try to squeeze though, but the risk of that could be reduced using "spikes of death".

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