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Exec Meeting @ 2006-06-22 10:00:00

Present:- Michelle F, James E, James C, Rob G, Martin M, Rachel C, Matt P, James M, Ian

Apologies:- Victoria who said "I apologise in advance for not coming to the meeting, heavy night, much vomit"

1) Well done for everyone re the outdoor screening.

2) Sponsorship

Michelle, James E, Victoria and Rob went to London to review the year's sponsorship abnd discuss a further deal.

General opinion was the previous year had worked well for all but that perhaps in term 2 we had been a victim of our own success and Deloitte were not getting the engagement factor they desired.

The deal offered for next term is:-

£2400 flat fee
no occupancy bonuses hence the increased flat fee
exclusive sponsorship as per this year
A major prize for each Allnighter raffle
A term 1 Deloitte led event to include a film, buffet etc.
A term 2 WSC led event to mark our 30th Birthday
Term 3 - an event to award our Crew (since this meeting Deloitte have approached re outdoor screening for next year and this option will be left open)
Option for Deloitte to host one private event for its new recruits to which WSC Crew will be invited.
Deloitte logos on all publicity

Exec voted unanimously in favour of renewing our Deloitte contract

3) End of term stuff

Inventory needs to be updated to include assets from outdoor screennig and data proj

Discussion re outdoor screening and whether we would do it again next year. The possiblity with Deloitte, WSAF and WGA will be looked into.

Rachel was unhappy with the screen problems from the WSAF side and would not trust them to do it alone again.

4) Start of term

need to all help with publicity where possible making and distribution

Someone from the exec is around all vacation shopuld anything need to be done - it is mainly Rob and Michelle.

- it was requested that the AllNighter had more newer films as the current
lineup was looknig a bit dated.

- conformation of films for next term is gonig quite badly as the Troys have not confirmed anything

5) AOB

Ratifying qualifications
Rachel's DM qualification 7 for, 1 against

IT requests for publicity computer and a look into the members editor/database that was doing 'funny things'

A decision/clarification needed to be made over the length of time we were givnig free films with membership as it ws unclear. The exec voted:-

2 weeks from start of term - none
3 weeks from start of term - none
until end of October - 7

AllNighter prices have been reviewed to:-

WSC Crew - £3
Crew guest / WSC Member:- £7
University Member - £10
External - £12

Discussion over possible AllNighter prizes to request from Deloitte, current suggestions are a poratble DVD player or an iPod, suggestions welcome.

Ian raised concern that there was no communication from the exec to membership as there was no meeting or newsletter. It was agreed the newsletter would be restarted and that the forums would be used more - integration into main website has been requested.

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