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Exec Meeting @ 2008-11-26 19:15:00

Exec Meeting Minutes, 26/11/2008 7.15pm B2.07/8

1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Tim, Aiden, Mat, Matt, Vicky, Pierre, Rob, George, Kathryn

2. Around the exec
Rob: Attended Presidents' Meeting, met with Societies' Officer re Constitution change, nearly finished Risk Assessment to hand onto Aiden, Matt and Vicky.
Pierre – clothing order; working out calculations and averages
Mat – schedule; making George cry
George- weekly publicity, training, Term 2 publicity, Emmerson deadlines
Vicky – taken on another trainee
Matt – paying in books
Aiden – new speakers, training and tech sessions, new Hard Drive in Dolby, contact lens suppliers
Tim – new Hard Drive failed, renewed existing domain name (warwicksfavouritefilm.co.uk). Put user’s names on forums, alterations to this later made by Matt.

2. Constitution

As trainees can vary in terms of commitment to the filmsoc cause, it has been agreed that there will be a change to the Constitution, giving the relevant Committees regards having the ability to remove someone from any training scheme, in IT, Publicity, Proj and FoH. This will be applicable to crew who join after the amendment is approved with the SU.
Wording thus: "The [Proj/IT/Publicty/DM] Committee can propose to exec to remove a trainee from a training scheme given appropriate warning and cause".

Vote on changing constitution thus: for: 9 – unanimous

3. Next Term's Schedule
No singalong Mamma Mia, no 70mm Titanic, no Coomando for Allnighter, no Batmans in January – to swap with later weeks therefore, Ringu hard to source, Vertigo problematic.

AllNighter – 5th film to be Fifth Element

4. Publicity
– not too many problems, reviews going online by end of week
- titles mainly ok; graphics nearly all in
- A4s and A2s done (with OWW included); booklet has a template
- Emmersons – order 3000 booklets, 9000 A4 and 2500 A2s:
Vote: Quantities ok: Yes: 7, Abstain: 2
Emmersons deadline is week starting 15th Dec, but we keep usual deadline of end of term. If Emmersons deliver on 23rd Dec or 5th Jan, to deliver to Dump.
- SU not doing refreshers packs for refreshers fair.

5. Purchases
Purchased: Speakers
Ordered: P1 extractor fan
To get: USB serial port, lenses…
…Lenses – Aiden had spoken to various suppliers, hopefully ask Barry Wright at EQ over Xmas. Sound Associates said that if someone was passing they should be able to pop in for free and spec our current setup and give us more accurate information on purchasing lenses. Poss ask Barry Wright for his opinion over Xmas when he does EQ?
Any measurements left from when professionals estimated the throw for the Data Projector?

Tim – PC. Matt says all is 'fine'. Need to address issue of ever-reducing trial period.

Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), £200-300, would help with short power cuts, IT committee to discuss this.

Clothing – all OK.

6. AOB
(i) AGM – Monday W5? Vote: Date OK?: 9 - unanimous
(ii) Presidents' Meeting
- IMPACT training – Mat to do 1st Aid, Rob to do Duty of Care. Societies using concourse as a rehearsal space is to be investigated.
- Social to Bradford – Minibus possible? Ask Jenny in Resources Room.
- Refreshers Fair – may/not be one…
- Rebuild is on schedule… The Interior Decroating Committee for the rebuild is who to ask re Poster cabinets in new SU, Rob to email Pidge.
- Socieites Awards – same awards to be presented as last year
- reintroduction of a Soc Ball
(iii) Snow to be on website over Xmas again
(iv) Include BFFS in booklet, Rob to email Jessica KPMG about new KPMG logo.
(v) Sponsored Event
Tempo booked for W4. Alternatives: Tim investigate Chancellors Suite with Conferences over Xmas; Chaplaincy capacity 200-250; or, ask Jessica to sort something possibly. 'a work in progress'
(vi) Coming up w/e Publicty Runs – George and Mat to do Saturday 3/1/09, Matt and Rob to do Sun 4/1/09. Social after – bring food in.
(vii) REC trailer – being sent. Vicky to check Dump for it.
(viii) Trailers – check which Term 2 trailers we have; ones we have to go in W1 drawer
(ix)Extra page in booklet – BFFS award stuff – fornt of booklet with info about Programming Meeting.
(x) EPM – debate ensues about the point of it, possibility of scrapping it.
-Decided to create a forum thread in W3.4 before the EPM to establish a provisional deadline.
-Rename it as Programming Meeting (PM), so at least it sounds shorter
-PM to take place within one hour, a fixed time slot. Emails and forums to be opened as means of communication in advance, and these changes to be advertised to members.
-Mat to send email informing people.
Forums – Link thread with Suggestions page online. Make it a sticky thread. Public viewing enabled. Forums to close end Wed W4 at midday.
-Direct society screening enquiries towards Mat.
-PM will be Wed W5, 5.30 pm.

(xi) Publicity appointments – Reviews Editor, Chief Editor, Graphics and Titles Co-ordinators – email to be sent to see expressions of interest in these.
Exec appoint these, at Publicity Officer's suggestion. Those interested in running will get in touch with George, either by writing to/speaking to him.
Posts to be advertised within Publicity listings, email to be sent out at the start of term.
Deadline for expressing interest will be the exec meeting. They will then be appointed at the joint exec meeting. They will be appointed in W6 to start immediately.

(xii) Spare printer – to be sold on ebay at reserve of £50-60.
(xiii) All extra/leftover posters to be given away at Elf.

Ended 10.05pm.

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