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DM Meeting @ 2008-11-18 18:08:00

6:08pm, Kami Lounge.

(1) Welcome and apologies.

Present: Matt, Andrew, George, James, Jeffrey, Mike, Natalie, Pierre, Rachel.

(2) Rotas.

(2.1) Stewards that don't show up.
Item donated by Rob.

Rob had questioned the point in recording that stewards don't show up on the comments. Apparently this is for the Chief DM's reference. If a DM notices an existing comment when they go to leave another, they may wish to inform the Chief DM directly. The Chief DM made a remark that was largely indecipherable due to swapping round the words "rotas", "agenda" and "meeting" at random.

(2.2) Union Membership System.
Item donated by Andrew.

James Bonsall has furnish Andrew with a new version of the Union EPOS system. We will soon find out if it works. [It appears to, just about.]

(4) AOB.

* George asked about card tickets. Andrew is in some kind of contact with Meridian Tickets regarding them. Rachel made the groan-inducing comment that they are "still on the cards".
* Pierre called for a digital T. It could consist of scrolling signs and plasma screens, and have all sorts of useful information such as quantity of tickets remaining.

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