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Exec Meeting @ 2008-11-10 19:15:00

Exec meeting Monday November 10th 2008, 7.15pm L3

1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Vicky, George, Aiden, Matt, Mat, Rob, Pierre (intermittently), Kathryn, Tim
[Pierre exits round about now]

2. AllNighter
Kathryn still needs to get prize!!!
Films have begun to arrive!
No news on freebies, short films, Warwick Shootout. Use previous year's leftovers and poss Maths 103?
Prizes safe in DM cupboard
Kathryn to email RAG re Quiz winners' details
Tickets are en route to being finished (!)
Rob to send Weekly email based on blurbs on webpage
Rob to send email advertising stall
George to design reviews booklet on stall
Remember to buy newly Qualified Crew goodies
Kathryn and Aiden to do food run, poss. Aiden is very very happy, brimming at the seams with joy.
Mat to start quiz tomorrow
Publicity is 'in gear' apparently, George is enigmatic.

George is now mysterious.
3. Reconsideration of Publicity Distribution, esp Publicity Runs.
Going for food/drinks afterwards is a nice thing to do.
1 exec member at a time to take responsibility for P.Runs, to organise it and then we rotate through exec so each exec member responsible for two a term.
[Matt rambles about Game Theory]
Vote 1. To remove responsibility from Publicity: Yes 7, Against: 1
Vote 2. To add the above to the Constitution under exec responsibilities: Yes: 7, Against: 1

[Pierre returns]

4. Purchases update
Purchased: Guillotine, printer, PC, Lens cleaning products
Soon: Speakers for Proj Box, speaker mounts, chains to secure trolley. PC to be up and running 'soon'.
To be sorted: exhaust fans, lenses.
Lenses: costly but ours are old. Aiden to investigate: if advantageous to buy new ones and in price range, to buy: For: 9. (X-wides and Scopes for both P1 and P2)
Domain name of warwicksfavouritefilm: Matt to check its £2.79, if so keep: Yes: 8, Abstain:1.
Upcoming orders: to include a DVD-RW which Matt forgot this time.

5. Exec Office refurb
Best to await outcome of Chemistry moving in beneath us, just in case.
Lucy (Soc Officer) advised a meeting with her in November, just to keep updated.
Exec office needs a clean-up – all agree. If sufficient members of exec present, then some headway can be made. If something is deemed and confirmed to be useless, to be chucked.
Give out leftover posters at the end of the Allnighter.

6. Next Term's Schedule
All is ok with us.
George to be sent list of reserves.
OWW – Somers Town wed 21/1, Lives of Others thurs 22/1, thereby requiring an Elite Squad reshuffle.
Titianic to be a 7.30 showing!!
OWW to be invoiced before the shows – include in upcoming email that need to pay in advance DO THIS KATHRYN
Final All-Nighter film: Commando (Arnie film)

7. Xmas Meal
No to subsidising it.
Kathryn to email requesting deposits, these to be handed to DMs.
Check on two course prices.

8. Time and date next meeting
Wed w9 7.15PM

9. AOB
(i) Schindlers List – if it doesn't turn up, all go to Grad@Cholo. Assess situation if and when it arrives. Deem cancelled by 3pm.
(ii) Rob to send AllNighter email.
(iii) Use SU photo space advertised in latest Soc's email?
(iv) Risk Assessment – Rob will 'shizzle' it.
(v) Tim. He forgets his point.
(vi) Xmas market next social, w7, proj moves to 5pm, meet at 6pm at bus stop.

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