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DM Meeting @ 2008-11-11 18:08:00

6:08pm, Kami Lounge.

(1) Welcome and apologies.

Present: Matt, Andrew, George, James, Jeffrey, Mat, Natalie, Pierre, Rachel, Rob.

(2) Rotas.

Rachel will DM something next week.

(3) The AllNighter.

James is willing to watch anything from the balcony. George and Natalie likewise, except when food has arrived. Pierre will watch when needed as long as he gets a chance to eat. Robert and Rachel agreed to watch Sin City and Zoolander respectively. The meeting was reliably informed that Helen will watch The Incredible Hulk. Both KFC & Pizza appear likely.

(4) AOB

* Rob's permanent marker was passed around the meeting.
* The Week 8 social will be to the Christmas Market.

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