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DM Meeting @ 2008-10-14 18:08:00

6:08pm, Kami Lounge.

1) Welcome and Apologies.

Present: Matt, George, James, Jeffrey, Natalie, Rob.
Late: Martin, Pierre, Rachel.

2) Rotas.

3) Sell-outs.

A reminder was given that part of the policy for DMs to schedule additional screenings is consulting any Exec members present. It was also pointed out that with the extra chairs available we have the flexibility to admit more than 300 people when necessary.

4) AOB.

* The electronic stapler has run out of staples.
* The Chief DM has not yet emailed the people that signed up to steward.
* New stewards should be invited to post-film drinks and the like.
* Help section of website needs updating.
* Date of prices on website needs updating / removing.
* Rob wished to "raise the point of people standing around the ticket desks? It was mentioned in the meeting minutes of the 16th October 2006 and Ben's reply to DM mailing list that people should not stand next to the tills having conversations. Either stand back behind and away from the tills or move to L3 or the vending machine area. 2 or 3 times crew members have been chatting next to the tills and obstructing the route for the audience, as well as using some rather colourful language whilst wearing filmsoc clothing and this should be highly discouraged." This was generally agreed upon.
* New stewards should be made aware of the light created by using
their phones during the film.
* Rob used the previous point as a tenuous excuse to show off his new phone.
* Rob also requested "a discussion regarding the use of foreign languages? I know that certain people can convey things better by using a foreign tongue, but this has gone from being a last resort to an automatic option in some cases and does not seem right to me. Fine if someone can't understand the socs fed/memberships deal in english, but that should be tried properly first." It was pointed out that using a foreign language means other stewards and people in the queue don't know what's happening, and so for example somebody in the queue might thing the steward is just chatting when in fact they are explaining socs fed. Rachel compared it to whispering. Pierre asked what to do if somebody spoke to him in French, and it was thought that it shouldn't be a problem for him to reply in English.

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