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Exec Meeting @ 2008-06-19 18:10:00

Exec Meeting, 19th June 2008. 6.10pm, S1.1something??

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: George Tim Vicky Kathryn Aiden Rob
Apologies: Seb
Late: Martin (with apologies), Matt P

2. L3 status
Peter Pirozek acoustician – no feedback report yet – aiden wil contact [since received]
Rob went to Tom Lindsay (SSDO, SU) Wednesday – TL will email info if any found in Univ. House. Rob will contact if hears nothing. TL working through Becky Lees again. Rachel found nothing thus far in Modern Records Centre regards mid-90s stuff.
Rob emailed RAW re feedback.
Locked forum thread of announcements re L3 to be put up, announcing only official developments to keep crew informed.

3. Outdoor Screening
Security, access, delivery of generator all OK.
Tim and Aiden met WSAF Rhys – WSAF have ordered power cabling and 2 extra floodlights themselves for us. They would like to organise the power cabling: agreed they shall supervise us. Upgraded sound package for a bigger field. All to be ready fo 9pm. No speaker details thus far. Rhys only to contact us via Aiden. Possibility of cables not going down the middle of the field.
Martin to email Rhys ASAP
->We're all sorted!
Crowd barriers TBC tomorrow when Helen Kendrick (SU Security) is in.
Decking for speakers? – down to WSAF to organise.
'Duck duck goose' – played away from screen [since cancelled]
Rob to see Kate Bennet (SU Sports Officer) on Mon to confirm use of field, etc.
Use big banners for seating.
Rob to email society re Outdoor Screening on Mon.

Possibility of getting cancellation insurance for next year raised.

Contingency plans: If all else fails, into L3 we must go.

Publicity: advertise start as 10pm even if doesn't start in all likelihood til 1030pm. Partial publicity on campus to be done; rest on Sunday in publicity run.

Food: Tom Hill, Andy, Aiden – to London - £7/person
Wed return: Andy and Aiden - £7/person; Tom Hill - £3.50 as one way ticket

Food on campus: Pizzas/KFC communal buy, no specific orders for crew helping all day, buy around 7pm; not paying for luncheon!!!

Arrive at 10am-ish to help with proj, publicity etc.

Proj: Vicky to ask for volunteers to do pre-film reel – not to be done on Tues as horrendous rush! Must be U-certificate trailers, old ones.
Shrek to be put on 1x12000 if can access humanities; if not 2x6000.

4. Autumn Schedule
70mm: Edward Scissorhands confirmed.
Outpost – think its fine for a reserve spot.

Sponsored Event: Run Lola Run, Amelie and Volver as shortlist – to be sent to KPMG
Rob to email Rachael Pilson Wood tomorrow -(WHY??)
When film confirmed, contact Seb to book it.

5. Autumn Publicity
There will be some!
Booklet – depdendent on schedule confirmation. Graphics to be finished by end of term.
Reviews to Rachael P-W by next Mon, she will post these onsite as she checks them, take roughly one week to then edit these – George to make final decision. Aim to finish by 1st week holidays.
Titles – email to team to go out; all in by 1st week hols.
Plan then is to have most finished by the end of term, all in by 1st week of the holidays.
George to organise the editors meeting
Posters – purple – George to do alone.

Rob basically confirmed stall with SU guy at £240 for coming up weekend. CXoming up weekend is BFFS award weekend!!! George is away at coming up weekend.

Possibility of sound logos on publicity is raised by Tim. People stare and then mull it over.

George to design the 'fewer words' campaign for booklets, and advertise free crew tickets on all.

6. BFFS Awards
Deadline: 31st July to arrive at their offices. So: aim to end by 20th July print and send it off. Take lots of photos on Tues.
Kathryn to email differing definitions of 'effect' and 'affect' to Exec

7. Ratification
Sarah Vermeulen as Projectionist: unanimous

8. Lifetime Crew
Should be after an exec term; for services beyond the call of duty; for extraordinary dedication.

Matt to email SU regards associate and life memeberships.

9. Time and date of next meeting
TBC over summer on forums.

10. AOB
(i) Chief Proj handover – Kathryn to ask Ed if he is still willing to show Vicky the ropes. If so, Ed to then email Vicky. Andy has included mention of trailers in his email regards post.
(ii) Shalni in spring term – non-working crew MUST pay, as must those holding 5-film passes. Disvcuss pricing at EPM. List it as a 'special event'. A QProj would then project it.
(iii) See if we have an Outpost trailer.
(iv) Kathryn to email to check we still have L3 next year!!!

Meeting ends: 20.18pm

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