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Exec Meeting @ 2008-06-12 19:15:00

WSC Exec Meeting Tues 12th June 7.15pm, B2.09
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Martin, Tim, Seb, Kathryn, Rachel, Aiden.
Apologies: George, and I suppose Matt
Late, with apologies: Rob

2. L3 Update
Rob saw Tom Lindsay on Monday, told him about Clive's (ex-president)
information in his email; WSC with agreement isn't weighty enough to use;
possibly late 1990s license/contract with Cov. City Council, and possible
Uni. Senate/Council minutes, which could be pertinent. These could be in the
We have Ramphal's measurements, the screen will fit the front.
At Proj on Mon 11th, Aiden – will email Estates, Bell and Philip Rigby
(provides equipment) to get someone independent in to assess sound, also ask
University if they know anyone helpful.
Tom is talking to people at University House.

Possibility of posting to a thread solely factual definite progress
information, as a locked discussion thread to keep all crew up to date, to
be updated regularly

Rob will catch up with TL by Thurs if he has heard no more by then.

TL to pursue halting progression of building

There is nothing in Union records. The council minutes are in the Modern
Records Centre.

ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT = public outcry

BFFS student rep haven't replied to Rob – he will email again/ a general
email address to see if they can offer any device.

Contact other STM people – to gather up info, see what conditions other
users work in

Amanda knows other post-grad scientists – at diff uni's etc, who may know
about STMs etc. Aiden to contact.

Plan: look into site visits asap.

TL's handover person is not going to be informed until handover, but we are
a separate agenda point for the handover!!

3. Outdoor screening
Confirmation form FProj of inflatable screen and projector. To be collected
Mon 23rd June 9.30-3pm, returned on Wed.

3 day van hire from Mon to Wed/Thurs – Aiden to ask/hire tomorrow.

Generator: Ellie has been contacted; Aiden will phone HSS so they can
deliver on the day and it will be removed the next day.
Cables – order through Panda Hire as with last year
*All is underway*
Need insurance sorted – Aiden to contact Peter Hall to get an insurance
quote to return this to Michael Darwood.

WSAF – Martin met Ellie and Jim. Ellie is sorting out our Risk Assessment
Rob to contact Lawrence – check all is well with Council.
Kathryn to contact St John's Ambulance to see if they would provide two
volunteers throughout the course of the film, 10pm-midnight, free of charge.

Andrew will need help with collecting hire stuff – sort out London tirps
nearer the time., Aiden to email Proj.
No word yet from clothing – [has since arrived]
Week 8 - start Facebook group

4. Schedule
Fine thus far, Troys are ok with updated list. Definitely no Nightmare
Before Xmas – Elf instead (yay!)
70mm list has been given to the Troys – in process of sortin gout.
Start looking for Spring 70mm DTS.

5. Zoo Trip
Leave uni at 10am for arrival at zoo 11am
Minibuses: too darn expensive, even if we part subsidised it.
Instead: email all who drive and see if they are willing to take people,
passengers to pay petrol money.

6. Ratification
Natalie Tyldesley as DM: For: Unanimous

7. Next meeting time and date
Thurs Week 9 , 19th June

8. AOB
(i) Rob to check on freshers stall
(ii) Shalni – charity screening – if we can assume we are showing it for no
charge, i.e. it doesn't cost us anything, she can choose: whether to charge
for tickets, or to hold buckets on the door. Also, if its free for us, we
can definitely do, cannot yet confirm date. Ask if it'll cost us anything to
play it. Date TBC, maybe a Monday.

Meeting end: 8.20pm

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