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Never Been Kissed

She’s never been hip, never been cool, never been in.......until now!. 

Year: 1999 
Running Time:
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 (Scope) 
Certificate: BBFC 12A Cert – Under 12s admitted only with an adult 
Subtitles: The level of subtitling in this film is unknown to WSC 
Directed by Unknown 
Starring: Unknown  

As the youngest (and most gullible) member of the team at Chicago Sun-Times, Drew Barrymore get an assignment to go back to school undercover and investigate modern youth.

All very well but unfortunately she wasn’t much good at the school thing the first time around, and before long she gets things a bit muddled all over again. Tales of chess club are not exactly what her editor had in mind! However, along comes big bruv, whose school days were a tad more successful, with a little rumour spreading and there we have it, nerd rises to instant popularity, realistic eh?

Drew Barrymore is hardly the most likely candidate for school geek, but apparently she draws on some of her own experience for this role, and hey, if nothing else she looks pretty! David Arquette makes excellent scenery as well and fits his role as the cooler younger brother slightly better, I can’t quite imagine the star of Scream as a geek!

I enjoyed this film, its hardly Oscar material but then you couldn’t watch heavy stuff all the time. Its light-hearted, funny and pulls at the heartstrings regularly throughout the film as any good feel-good film should do.

A great film for anyone who still feels the need to shout ‘I believe in fairies’ at Christmas pantos.

Cassandra Becker

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Screenings of this film:

1999/2000 Spring Term (35mm)