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Il Postino

Dreams do come true. 

Year: 1994 
Running Time:
Aspect Ratio: 1.66:1 (Wide) 
Certificate: BBFC U Cert – Universal 
Subtitles: The level of subtitling in this film is unknown to WSC 
Directed by Unknown 
Starring: Unknown  

The enchanting story of the friendship between an Italian postman and the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda while in exile comes to life in this Oscar nominated piece of motion picture magic.

As unexciting as the subject matter sounds, Il Postino is a remarkable little triumph the sort of thing that could only come from such an odd mixture of creative input: British director Radford, French actor Noiret and the unknown Italiaii Troisi, who tragically died as the result of a massive heart attack shortly after production was completed.

Troisi played Mario, a quiet, unassuming postie who trudges miles uphill every day just to deliver a mysterious, exiled poet's mail. They strike up a relationship, and before he knows it, Mario is composing romantic and sexually charged poetry with which he intends to woo the most beautiful girl in the village. We are invited to sit back and relax, and watch the character of Mario blossom and change through the experience of love and the expression of it through poetry.

If you're looking for a film which would seriously rival Terminator 2 as the most exciting action movie ever made, you're going to be sorely disappointed by Il Postino. This is a truly life affirming tale, which sweeps you along and keeps you on an emotional edge throughout. With its glorious landscapes, flawless performances (the late Troisi is a sheer delight) and a remarkable, involving story, Il Postino even forced Hollywood to get off of its cliched backside and recognise the film at its annual awards ceremony.

Il Postino did not win best film (that silly Mel Gibson vehicle did, probably because it involved defeating the British and asserting nationhood how typical), but it did swan oft with a statuette for its gorgeous and perfectly pitched score. Il Postino is a wonderful human drama, and a unique picce of filmaking.

Conrad Jarrett

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Screenings of this film:

1996/1997 Autumn Term (35mm)
1999/2000 Summer Term (35mm)