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Fantastic Four

Prepare for the fantastic. 

Year: 2005 
Running Time:
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 (Scope) 
Certificate: BBFC PG Cert – Parental guidance 
Subtitles: This film is not expected to be subtitled, though this cannot be guaranteed. 
Directed by Unknown 
Starring: Unknown  
An image from Fantastic Four

For everyone who read the comic books or watched the cartoon on Saturday mornings this film needs no introduction, but for everyone else The Fantastic Four is Marvel Comic's longest running superhero group.

The brilliant scientist Dr Reed Richards (Gruffud) thinks he can learn about human DNA from studying a cosmic storm up in space. He manages to convince business hotshot Victor Von Doom (McMahon) to let him use one of his space stations for this research. Von Doom's girlfriend is Susan Storm (Alba) having previously been with Dr Richards. Along with Richard's faithful assistant Ben Grimm and Susan's brother Johnny, the five travel into space where it all goes wrong. Each of them becomes exposed to the cosmic storm which alters their DNA, but these changes only become apparent when they return to Earth. Johnny discovers that he can make fire and fly, Reed finds that his body can stretch infinitely, Susan can turn invisible and project force fields whilst Ben becomes The Thing.

This movie is not about your ordinary bunch of superheroes, yes every superhero faces their own issues, but the array here is compelling and somehow realistic. Johnny loves his power and wants to show off, Reed is frightened and wants to study it closer, Susan tries her best to look after everyone while Ben falls into a depressive state. The Thing's body is made of rock, even down to his organs, his superhuman strength is at the cost of a normal body and normal life. Conflicts arise as the four do not get on with each other but are forced to stay together, Whilst Von Doom makes other plans.

The film's effects and actors do an excellent job of bringing The Fantastic Four to life. The Thing is especially good as he is portrayed in the traditional man-in-a- rubber-suit style, thus avoiding the mistakes of Hulk. The script has the scope and action of the comic, with humour and clever lines throughout.

All of the ingredients that make The Fantastic Four the longest running comic series in history are here to full effect. So come and enjoy it as it is meant to be seen.

Nick Grills

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Screenings of this film:

2005/2006 Autumn Term (35mm)
2005/2006 Autumn Term (35mm)